Friday, May 20, 2011

sharing is caring

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

today i just wanna share about one of Allah's names(asma'ul husna)

Ar-razzaq (supreme provider)
i just want to bring 5 point

1. the meaning of Ar-Razzaq
-Rizq in arabic refers to the thing that had been determine that everyone will get
-from the word Ar-razzaq ..Allah created the sustenanceand guarantee that all creatures will get their sustenance

2.Ar-Razzaq allready mention in Al Quran
-did you notice that in quran Allah mention Ar-Razzaq not Ar-Raziq
-what's the different?
-Ar-Raziq means only certain people will get it while the rest are not
-Ar-Razzaq means all creatures will get it doesn't matter muslim or not,budha,jews,ants, fish...every creature will get their sustenance

3. it is one of Allah names and show Allah the greatest and 'Azim
-lets make simple example
-do you know about water cycle

-do you know that how many had been evaporated by the heat of sun in just second?
its already show how rich Allah is and Allah is provider
-try to imagine that if we had to heat the sea by ourselves?

4.Ar-Razzaq is it only refer to money?
-no..it refers to many things-marriage,food,clothes,plants,air and ......
-and also our result also already determined by Allah
so don't be sad if you didn't get better result..believe that Allah know which one is better

5. what Allah require you to do
-so we must work hard for it..but work hard in the right way in the way that Allah will bless you
-don't just sit and wait like money will fall from the sky
-u have to make an effort

the most important thing is always trust Allah..
earn no elicit money or begging for money since your sustenance is already predestined by Allah

hope you get something from this:)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

what you give you get back

have you ever heard about this phrase??
what about if i use the word karma?

everyone know that life is like circle
sometime we are at the top sometime we are at the bottom
this is life..

if you want someone be nice to you..you should be nice to them first
if you want someone to treat you kindly don't treat them badly
if you don't like to wait don't let people waiting for you
if you...................... don't .........................(you can fill it by yourself)
it just the same if you want jannah do something that can bring you there

try to practice it in our life
better late than never

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the way Allah fulfill your doa'a

situation 1: i always do a good thing but why Allah still didn't fulfill my request?
situation 2: i always study but why i didn't get better result?
situation 3:when Allah will fulfill my dream ?

this is common question.. right?

just wanna share the answer for all those question

when you make a doa'a:

1.Allah fulfill your doa'a as soon as you wish for it

2.when you make a doa'a..Allah didn't fulfill it at that time because He wanna give it at the right time..so be patient

3. Allah didn't give what you want but He give you something more better than what you ask for

so always be patient and trust Allah coz He know better than us..
well we are created by Allah.. of course Allah know which one is best for us:)

happy birthday achik

happy birthday girls..
you should thanks to Allah and also our parent for their love
always be a good person
remember that whatever u r doing we always be with you
no matter what happen don't give up
hopefully your iman also increase with the increase of your age

although that i'm not always sent you a massage
it doesn't mean that i forgot bout you
u and our family always be in my doa'a:)

just remember this verse
don't be sad if Allah didn't fulfill your doa'a
because it doesn't mean that Allah forgot bout you
but insyaAllah He has something more better for you
Always trust Allah

we make a plan and Allah also
but plan that make by Allah is more better

because of you really like korean drama i play this song for you but just the first part..hehe:P

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

as the beginning

why do people afraid if they make any mistake..
remember that sometime mistake can make you become more mature
BUT if you know how to overcome it
so stop complaining and don't afraid what people will say bout you
as long as you know that you r right
AND also most important right in the side of Allah

this is what i trying to do now
i'm not good in english but i wanna write this blog in english with little malay words..hihi
i know that as the beginning i will make alot of mistake
but i believe that i will improve..

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