Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wake up MUSLIM

wake up MUSLIM
Why are you still sitting
Wye are you still sleeping
Ummah need you
Guide them 
Show them they way

wake up MUSLIM
Why you still dreaming
Wanna waste your time?
Make a move
What you are doing will be ask in hereafter
Stop waste your time
Stop dreaming
Dream can only be achieve if you work hard.
Be productive

wake up MUSLIM
Why are you sad
Why you being depressed
Being rejected by people?
This is part of test
This is part of ticket for Jannah
Be patient

wake up MUSLIM
What are you doing?
Dont you know that your sibling being hurt
Many of them being kill
Many being torture by kufar
Dont u feel anything?
Ask your iman now
Judge yourself now
Dont wait until you being judge 
you will regrete soon

What happen nowadays
In syria, mesir, gaza, rohingya, burma
Was not their only problem
But OUR problem
They are part of us
We are muslim and we are brothers and we love each others

What we are waiting for?
Let hold hand together
Hold quran and sunnah tightly
Make a move
Let save the world
Let save UMMAH
Because this is our responsibility
We will be ask for it..

Monday, November 18, 2013

Exam mood

The final year exam begain..
May Allah ease the way 
May mumtaz be mine.. Biiznillah

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homemade icecream :))

Homemade ice cream.. Yeah!!

2 eggs( white egg only)
2 cups of milk
2 table spoon of powder milk
1 table spoon of vanilla
1 cup of sugar
3 lemons

1) mix eggs and sugar sampai kembang
2) put other ingredient together. Kacau lagi
3) tada!!!!! Siapa
4) put it in freezer :))

After 5 hours...

DONE! Yummy.. :))
Selamat mencuba

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bulan dan mentari

Aku bertanya pada bulan
Mana ia menghilang ketika siang menjelma
Aku bertanya pada mentari
Mana ia menghilang ketika malam menjelma
Aku termangu sendirian
Otakku ligat mencari jawapan

Ketika mana aku kehilangan sang bulan
Ada orang lain yang mendapatkannya
Ketika mana aku mendapatnya
Ada orang lain kehilangannya

Bulan dan mentari bukan menghilang
Mereka kekal menabur bakti
Mengikut sunnatullah
Cuma tidak terlihat oleh mata kasar ini
Hanya mata hati yang mampu melihat kebesaran ciptaan ILLAHI

Yang tidak dapat dilihat tidak semestinya tiada
Yang tiada tidak semestinya tidak wujud
Hanya pemilih hati yang bersih yang mampu merasa kehadiran

Friday, April 5, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 42

My friend's engagement day

Day 41

Friends forever till JANNAH

Day 40

Be like a flower that give its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it

Day 39

Going out with my junior. Hopefully this ukhwah will stand forever till JANNAH

Day 38

Someone give it to me;)))

Quotation from Quran

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