Thursday, June 30, 2011

resepi agar-agar kepala santan

put the jelly together with water in the pot. stir it. let it melt. after that you can put sugar it's up to you how much  you want to put. taste it first. 
mula-mula masukkan agar-agar dgn air dalam periuk.biar cair. lepastu masukkan gula. suka hati nak letak banyak mana ikot manis yang suka.
(jangan lupa buka api kang sampai esok tak cair-cair..hehe)

then you can put coconut milk .if you want  upper part to be thick you can put like.. if you put 4 glasses of water so for the coconut milk you can put two glasses. stir them all togeher. wait until they get boiling. then you can put it in the bowl. after it getting colder you can put it inside the fridge
lepas tu masukkan santan. kalau nak bahagian atas tu tebal sikit masuk lah santan tu banyak sikit.pastu kacau2 sampai menggelegak. dah tu tutup api masukkan dalam bekas. bila dah agak sejuk sikit masukkan dalam peti ais


thanks mak for the recipes

day 15:love and beautiful

just finish our community exam..alhamdulillah
they always love to discuss about their previous exam:)


myspace image at Gickr

ok know what the first thing come on your mind when you read that word?
how many of you think about your boyfriend?
put up your hand
naaaa..don't waste your energy because i can't see it..hihi
how many of you think about your parents?
Soooo sweet!!!  what a nice son/daughter they have
how many of you think about Allah and our Prophet?
subhanallah..that's the only word i can say
do you know that islam is full with love.
if you use it wisely you can gain benefit from it
but if you use it wrongly it maybe can hurt you
of course when i ask you which one you would prefered none of us want love that can hurt you
but realised it or not most of us choose it. Because at 1st it bring happiness but mostly in the end it hurt.
Because that what we call relationship that prohibited by Allah 
islam sediakan cari yang baek untuk kita salurkan cinta
kenapa perlu gunakan cara yang salah
setiap hukum Allah x boleh disangkal
sekarang tanya diri korg kenapa couple?
supaya kenal laki tu so that kalau dia x baek boleh berpisah b4 married
korg pasti ke laki tu akan tunjukkan sikap dia yg sbenar?
tak kenal maka tak cinta
sejauh mana korg mengenali si dia? 10 tahun couple belom tentu you know him/her very well
do you know why Allah prohibited you from any relationship that are not ‘halal’ for you(couple)
because Allah want to protect you
have you ever think whyAllah said in quran
 la tak rabu zina(jangan mendekati zina)
 la tafa3alu zina(jangan lakukan zina)?
it's because Allah want to protect you. because Allah knows your weakness
antara dua lelaki dan perempuan yang berdua-duaan akan ada org ketiga iaitu syaitan
because Allah knows that all those thing can bring you to zina
ha?? Ada kaitan ke dgn maksiat? ktorg bukan berdua-duaan kat tempat sunyi pon..
the important thing that you must know is zina is not refered to sexual relationship only
but it also refered to zina hati,zina mata,zina telinga
ooooo.. faham2..eh jup2 habis tu apa kaitan zina mata dan semua2 nie dgn maksiat jauh kotttt
hmmm..of course there is relation between each of them. Have you heard this phrase
dari mata turun ke hati dari hati jadilah maksiat
because when you already love someone of course you willing to sacrifice everything because you don’t want to loose him..am i right?
That’s what we call prevention is better than cure
And one more thing if that guy always remember you or imagine about you more than Allah you also will get reward
Ha!!! Betoi ka.. kalau mcm tu nak dia ingat selalu la
Wait..i didn’t finish it yet
Not a good reward but a bad one(dosa). Sebab relationship tu bukan yg Allah halalkan sbb tu macam mana cara pon salah tetap salah.
Habes tu nak buat apa. Sayang nak tinggalkan dia. Tak sanggup..huhuhu
Which one do you love more Allah or him/her?

Mestilah Allah tapi still susah gak nak tinggalkan. So mcm mana ek?

I didn’t say that you have to leave it all like that. But maybe you can tell him/her if both of you means to each other insyaAllah you guys will get married so you don’t have to spend all the day in weekend just to see you lover or spend alot of money just to talk to your lover . you can save all those for you future husband.
Asked yourself actually what did you get from all those thing. Ok memang happy sebab ada org wish ada org care tapi apa yg akan berkurang adalah ketenangan hati sebab setiap kali benda salah yang kta buat akan timbul bintik hitam pada hati.
Saya confident dia jodoh saya
How do you that? Only Allah know what will happen to our future. tapi kalau betul pon jodoh bayangkan berapa banyak dosa yang kita bakal kumpul sebelum kahwin
Tapi ada ja orang bercinta sebelum kawin bahagia.
saya tak cakap pon bercinta sebelum kahwin nie tak bahagia sekarang kita bercakap dalam kotak dosa.Memang ada tapi tak semua bahagia tu dunia dan akhirat.
Jangan risaula insyaAllah kalau ada jodoh xkan kemana. Yakinlah dengan Allah. Didatangani oleh adam/hawa dalam hidup kita disaat kita masih belum bersedia untuk berkahwin pon satu ujian. Jadi tanganilah ujian itu sebaek2 nya. Jangan disebabkan ujian itu kita kecundang. Tanganilah dengan cara terbaek yang korg mampu buat. Setiap org ada tahap kemampuan masing2. Tapi janganlah asyik sebut rasa berdosa bila couple tapi kita tak pernah buat apa pon untuk tangani dosa tu. Buatlah perubahan walaupun sedikit

Allah akan lemparkan cinta bila masa sudah tiba dan itulah maksud cinta sejati yang kekal hingga ke syurga.

So nasihat untuk yang berminat untuk berkecimpung dalam bidang ini elakkan diri sebab once you get involved with this it difficult to run away.

jodoh terbahagi kepada 3
jodoh dari syaitan.. lelaki dan perempuan kenal pegang tangan and buat maksiat..pastu baru nikah
jodoh dari jin..laki suka pompuan tu..tapi  pompuan tu tak suka so laki tu bomohkan perempuan itu pastu nikah
jodoh dari Allah..sekali pndg terus jatuh cinta.. istikharah tetapkan hati. Bila yakin terus masuk meminang and kawin..sebaik2 jodoh adalah jodoh dari Allah yang kekal hingga ke syurga

I do all this because of Allah. Want to share good thing with you so that we can gain reward(pahala) from it. and also note for myself because we don't know what will happen on our future:)

we have time.... but we don't have time

WE NEVER think to pay for 100 pound dress or food BUT always think twice to give 10 pound for charity

WE HAVE TIME to watch movie for 2 hours or more BUT WE DON'T  HAVE TIME for 20 minutes tazkirah

WE HAVE TIME spread gossip BUT  WE DON'T HAVE TIME to spread good things

WE HAVE TIME to talk bad things about someone BUT WE DON'T HAVE TIME to think about his/her feeling

WE HAVE TIME to read love story novel BUT WE DON'T HAVE TIME to read and try to understand the meaning of Quran

WE HAVE TIME to listen to the music BUT WE DON'T HAVE TIME to listen to Quran

WE HAVE TIME to prepared for exam BUT WE DON'T  HAVE TIME to prepared for the exam in hereafter.
we always know the date for our exam but we never know the date of death. 
so which one we should be prepared more??

muhasabah diri sendiri
peringatan untuk diri sendiri

animation: 3

pimp your myspace at Gickr.com

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


peaceful heart comes from our sincerety in doing something

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

animation :1

Create myspace graphic with Gickr

irfan makki feat maher zain: i believe

take a break for a while
try to listen to this

day 13:love and beautiful

my favourite sport--tennis
really miss it

note for hawa: part 2

if you want the best adam to protect you.. be the best hawa first
make a first step to change.
better late than never

may Allah bless us

Sunday, June 26, 2011

note for hawa: part 1

this letter dedicated to hawa
correction: they even burried hawa doesn't matter if..

will be continue..insyaAllah

day 12:love and beautiful

What’s the first thing that you usually do after you woke up and after you done with subuh prayer ??
switch on the laptop?
Let’s step out from our usual routine life 
and spend 5 second to look at the things that had been created by Allah(tadabur alam)..sky, tree
InsyaAllah you will feel more peaceful and can gain reward from Allah as well

Saturday, June 25, 2011

smallest animals

 smallest animals


sekadar nak kongsi cerita yg pernah baca dulu pasal mak yang garang dan bila marah selalu keluarkan kata2 kasar. so bagi sesiapa yang menghadapi masalah yang sama sye sekadar nak kongsi sesuatu yg insyaAllah dgn izin Allah dapat bg manfaat :)

kata2 adalah satu doakan. apatah lagi kata2 yang keluar dari mulut seorang ibu
tapi yang paling penting untuk kta ingat yang memakbulkan kata2 itu adalah Allah. jadi sebagai anak mcm mana pon parents kte.. parents still parents. no body can change that fact.  mungkin ada yang tension bila dlm situasi mcm nie..ye la sapa yg nk didoakan keburukan tuk dia kn??

antara perkara yg mungkin boleh korg buat

  • sabar. ujian yg Allah bg tuk org yg kuat terima
  • setiap kali korg rsa marah and tension cuba ingat setiap kebaikan yg parents korg buat tuk korg..esp mak la mcm mna keperitan dia msa lahirkn korg
  • sentiasa doa agar Allah bg hidayah kat parents korg..doa anak yg soleh insyaAllah dimakbulkan
  • mungkin korg boleh mntk someone close dgn your parents tuk slow talk dgn dorg..let say dlm situation nie mak korg yg selalu ckp kata2 tu maybe boleh mntk ayah slow talk dgn mak
  • x pon tegur dengan cara kiasan(indirectly).. ckp dgn your sibling yg korg terbaca kisah pasal hidup anak dia tunggang langgang sbb parents bdk tu selalu ckp benda bukan2 bila marah tp make sure parents korg dengar mungkin cerita tu masuk ke hati dia
ingat apa pon cara yg korg nk guna make sure xkn lukakan hati your parents. parents mana yg x syg anak maybe waktu dorg ckp dorg xsedar. jgn disebabkan benda nie korg rsa x suka dgn your parents. yang penting continue life mcm biasa jgn fikirkn kata2 tu setiap kali teringat kta2 tu ingat lah yg memakbulkan kata2 adalah Allah.. kuatkan hati dan iman insyaAllah setiap yg Allah bagi ada hikmah cuma maybe x nmpk skrg:)

Monday, June 20, 2011

day 11:love and beautiful

love yourself first before you love others
love others like how much you love yourself

Watch your though, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your action they become character. Watch your character, it become destiny.

Friday, June 17, 2011

day 9:love and beautiful

hobby that i really love :)
about mystery,ghost story,detective story
really enjoy read this kind of book
what about you??

Thursday, June 16, 2011

day 8:love and beautiful

create avatar

Laughter gives us distance.  It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.  ~Bob Newhart

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

day 7:love and beautiful

with flash
without flash


for more info you can visit this link

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day 6:love and beautiful

Just helped my junior
We cooked dinner for them
because they are having their exam

believe that when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in this world.as long as you can sweeten another's pain,life is not in vain
(helen keller) 

Monday, June 13, 2011

day 5:love and beautiful

See how they really love to seek for knowledge

(frank herbert)

day 4:love and beautiful

In whatever situation you have to face either good or bad never give up from smile
It can heal the broken heart
And who’s know maybe someone will fall in love with your smile...hehe

Saturday, June 11, 2011

day 3:love and beautiful

different colours of roses represent different meaning
red  roses represent
so feel free to give it to some one that you love:)
if you wanna know the meaning of yellow roses,white roses and so on..
you can search at the internet..hihi:P 

pau and burger malaysia

breakfast that i made last week..hihihi
i had practised it so many time before this
lastly i successfully made pau that i satisfied..yeah!!!

there is no secret for success. it is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure

it's look nicer in reality than in the picture(perasan..hihi)

burger malaysia..nyum3

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