Tuesday, June 7, 2011

carrot,egg and coffee

this story about younger man name J and his father mr.T

J has a lot of problems and he felt like he can't stand with all this anymore.. one day he went to see his father to told him about his problem
J :dad, i'm really tired with all this problems..seem like it will never end. after one problems settle there come another problems or even when there is a problem still come another problem

mr.T smile..

he bring J to the kitchen(mr.T is a chef)..there is 3 pots and each of them contain boiling water.
then he put
carrot in the 1st pot

egg in the 2nd pot

coffee in the 3rd pot
then after 10 minutes mr.T asked J to taste them one by one

J a little bit confuse.he asked his father

J :dad i'm here to tell you my problems and maybe you have some idea how to solve it.
whats the meaning behind all this. i don't see any relation
mr.T:actually there is a meaning behind all this.


before you boil it hard
but after boiled it became smooth, easy to chew

before you put in boiling water it easy to crack
after boiled it became hard

before you put it in boiling water it has nothing special
after you put in boiling water it change the water taste and become more delicious

mr.T : choose now son which one you wanna be...either..
b4 all those problems you r tough,strong person,never give up
after all those problems you become easily give up,weak person
before the problems come you are kind,polite,care about people
but after all those problems came you r still the same person from outside but inside is already totally change you become person who didn't care about others, unkind
b4 all those difficulties you just simple person
but after you face a lot of problems you become more strong, person that always give benefit to yourself,friend,community. 
 the more problem you have to face the more better and strong you will be only if you know how to handle it:)

choose which group you are(selamat muhasabah)

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