Monday, July 4, 2011

an apple

it's been quite for a long time i stay up here
waiting,waiting and just keep waiting
i don't know how long i have to wait
waiting for someone to come and pick me

everytime i look down i can see most of my friend had been picked
but no one dare to climb high up to pick me
they just looking at me and just keep looking
everytime they come near the tree

last night my  friend said that she can't wait anymore
so she drop herself
sadly it didn't happen like what she wants
no one pick her 
i just can watch it from above
watching her been kick by the children that playing near the tree
from her face i can know that she's really regret it

if she can wait a little bit longer and if she can remain  patient

and for me
i still be patient and will always be patient
waiting for someone who really patient enough to climb and pick me

samalah dengan kehidupan kita. Allah dah tinggikan maruah kita tapi sesetengah dari kita sanggup merendahkan maruah  semata-mata untuk memenuhi tuntutan nafsu. nauzubillah. tapi ingat tak semua pengakhiran akan jadi sebagaimana yang kte nak jika apa yang kita buat berlandaskan nafsu

hukum hakam yang Allah tetapkan adalah yang terbaik. dan sesiapa yg berlandaskannya insyaAllah pengakhirannya satu kebaikan

bersabarlah menanti insyaAllah penantian kerana Allah tidak akan sia2:)

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